Quick Talks: Gamification and conceptual framing: Creating PESTLE in a VUCA World

Presenter: Amita Krautloher

Co-presenter(s): Felicity Small, Peter Vitez

Faculty / Division: Division of Learning and Teaching

School / Unit: 

Session Type: Quick Talk

Session Number: 8

When: Thursday 17th November at 11:15 am

Zoom link: https://charlessturt.zoom.us/j/68700750649?pwd=b1RIa3JTcGxCU3Rtemx5d3owcUF0Zz09 Passcode: 124754

Abstract: While gamification within higher education practices is a complex issue, it can be used to create safe, stressless formative learning activities (Whitton & Langan, 2018). Previous research has shown that gamification is a valid mechanism to increase motivation and student engagement towards complex conceptual topics (Limantara, Hidayanto & Prabowo, 2019). Given this, the overall aim of the online game designed within this subject development was to introduce students to specific complex conceptual frame using a familiar and fun tool. In this Jenga-styled block game, students apply their knowledge of the PESTLE and VUCA factors in responding to the various business scenarios. One pulls a PESTLE block from the tower, considers the question that is posed, and drop the block in one of the VUCA drop zones. For each question there are several issues or solutions to consider, so one can play the game a few times to explore the concepts.