Quick Talks: Hybrid Delivery Mode: Tailoring Assessments to the Hybrid Teaching & Learning Environment

Presenter: Michael Baron

Co-presenter(s): none

Faculty / Division: Faculty of Arts and Education

School / Unit: SOE

Session Type: Quick Talk

Session Number: 5

When: Wednesday 16th November at 11:15 am

Zoom link: https://charlessturt.zoom.us/j/63274731255?pwd=RUlvOWZud0tFRmUrc3ZpYURnem41QT09 Passcode: 311847

Abstract: Hybrid Delivery Mode: Tailoring Assessments to the Hybrid Teaching & Learning Environment Hybrid delivery is becoming increasingly common for University Programs around the globe. Furthermore, there is every reason to believe that the growth trend for making the Programs hybrid is going to continue and this paradigm shift is not to be reversed (Selingo at al, 2022). However, while both technologies and classroom settings are becoming more and more ‘’hybrid-friendly’’ there are some fairly transparent challenges (or even obstacles) on the way to complete hybridization of the teaching and learning experiences. Preparation and consequent deployment of hybrid-fuelled assessment tasks is arguably one of the most significant challenges to be considered. The main objective of the talk is to identify and discuss challenges to assessment authoring in deployment within the hybrid delivery mode as well as strategies for overcoming those challenges.