Quick Talks: Narrative as a pedagogical tool for facilitating emerging professional identity

Presenter: Kim Bailey

Co-presenter(s): none

Faculty / Division: Faculty of Business, Justice and Behavioural Sciences

School / Unit: CL & J

Session Type: Quick Talk

Session Number: 6

When: Wednesday 16th November at 12:15 pm

Zoom link: https://charlessturt.zoom.us/j/68349788294?pwd=aCtEcTBMb0NVWGhvekJZby9pRXFiZz09 Passcode: 713823

Abstract: Teaching with narrative has been shown to give conceptual structure to learning content (Bolkan 2021) facilitate inductive reasoning and maintain learner engagement (Kromka, Goodboy & Banks 2019). However, there is a paucity of research on the effectiveness of implementing a whole of subject narrative “arc” (Oswald 2022) where students are immersed in a simulated problem that unites the whole subject’s learning and assessment. For two years in Civil Procedure Law, I have trialed narrative problem solving across a whole of subject. Using backward subject design (Reynolds & Kearns 2017) learning is structured around an evolving piece of litigation that “ladders” content and assessment, informing weekly teaching. The impact of this method has been surprising. Firstly, student engagement and retention were enhanced. Secondly, student progress rates and satisfaction increased. Thirdly, and most importantly, students connected learning to emerging professional identity, critically considering how this informed their own ethical behaviour as lawyers.