Quick Talks: Stepping-stones to engagement: PebblePad flips veterinary epidemiology teaching and learning

Presenter: Jennifer Manyweathers

Co-presenter(s): Prof Marta Hernandez-Jover

Faculty / Division: Faculty of Science and Health

School / Unit: SAEVS

Session Type: Quick Talk

Session Number: 6

When: Wednesday 16th November at 12:15 pm   

Zoom link: https://charlessturt.zoom.us/j/68349788294?pwd=aCtEcTBMb0NVWGhvekJZby9pRXFiZz09 Passcode: 713823

Abstract: VSC329 Applied Veterinary Epidemiology, first taught in 202230, is moving from a traditional didactic approach of lectures/tutorials to a flipped classroom. Using PebblePad workbooks, a ‘Prepare’, ‘Participate’ and ‘Recap’ framework will be used to structure weekly teaching and learning (Burkhart, Taylor, Kynn, Craven, & Swanepoel, 2020). ‘Prepare’ will include premeeting activities to introduce content, and ‘Participate’ (face to face) time will be spent checking in, consolidating what has gone before and what is coming, and include hands-on activities. ‘Recap’ will include more self-directed activities and provide opportunity for small group co-construction of knowledge. Evaluation using a survey and interview of participating students will be undertaken. Burkhart, S. J., Taylor, J. A., Kynn, M., Craven, D. L., & Swanepoel, L. C. (2020). Undergraduate Students Experience of Nutrition Education Using the Flipped Classroom Approach: A Descriptive Cohort Study. Journal of nutrition education and behavior, 52(4), 394-400. doi:10.1016/j.jneb.2019.06.002