Quick Talks: Undergraduate simulation-based assessment

Presenter: Kaden Montgomery

Co-presenter(s): Dr Annabel Matheson, Dr Sharon Laver, Jennifer Manning

Faculty / Division: Faculty of Science and Health

School / Unit: SNPHS

Session Type: Quick Talk

Session Number: 2

When: Tuesday 15th November at 11:15 am

Zoom link: https://charlessturt.zoom.us/j/62937600543?pwd=NUlXbzVIRG0xbjVjRUdVQXpDOVhNQT09 Passcode: 360867


In 2021, the School of Nursing, Paramedicine and Healthcare Sciences was formed. This change brought together two of the biggest courses in the university, Nursing and Paramedicine. Both courses are designed to lead to registration as a health professional and both use simulation in their degrees. The School’s Learning and Teaching team identified inconsistency in the language and design of simulation-based assessment in the school’s undergraduate subjects. A review was undertaken and the School’s Undergraduate Simulation-Based Assessment Guide was developed and approved by the School’s Curriculum Learning and Teaching Committee. The guide integrates current research as well as the operational and accreditation needs within the school, enhances the quality and rigor of this assessment type and places the School’s simulation-based assessment design as a leading standard amongst education providers.