Quick Talks: Teaching into China – the known knowns, the known unknowns and the unknown unknowns

Presenter: Mark Frost

Co-presenter(s): Emmett Berry, Li Ge, Jilin University of Finance and Economics: Yao Rui, Jilin University of Finance and Economics

Faculty / Division: Faculty of Business, Justice and Behavioural Sciences

School / Unit: other + external

Session Type: Quick Talk

Session Number: 5

When: Wednesday 16th November at 11:15 am  

Zoom link: https://charlessturt.zoom.us/j/63274731255?pwd=RUlvOWZud0tFRmUrc3ZpYURnem41QT09 Passcode: 311847

Abstract: Prior to the outset of COVID-19, Charles Sturt University staff has taught intensive on-campus classes to China based students in their third year of study. Since late 2021, we have been trialing teaching in their first year as well. This quick talk explores the experiences of two subjects taught in early 2022 – ACC100 Accounting 1 and MGT100 Organisations and Management. Given closed borders, classes of 490 students were taught online over an intensive eight week period in the 2230 session. During the third week of teaching students went into lockdown due to a local COVID-19 breakout, and were confined to their accommodation for the next five weeks. This talk will discuss the experiences of both Charles Sturt University and Jilin University of Finance and Economics teaching staff, student issues, and initiatives used to facilitate student engagement, peer-to-peer learning, teacher – teacher engagement, and teacher-student engagement. Opportunities and barriers to engagement will also be discussed, as will processes around teaching resources, student support, assessment design, marking, and moderation.